T-SQL Tuesday #50: Database Role Membership

imageFirst of all, a Happy New Year to everyone!

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic on Automation provides a perfect opportunity for me to blog about an automation that can be achieved around database roles and it’s members.

A big thank you to Hemanth [T | B] for hosting this year’s first T-SQL Tuesday and to Adam Machanic [B|T] as his initiative just reached a milestone! 50 months filled with awesome SQL related blog posts on a Tuesday!

The ask was to create a database role matrix for each and every user database on the SQL Server instance. Now the catch here was to find out memberships in custom database roles as well.

So here is how to go about this.

First task would be to identify each and every fixed database role that a particular database user is part of. This is a fairly simple task as there are system catalogs to fetch this information.

The next task is to find out each and every custom database role that exists in each user database. This can be achieved using the T-SQL script below.

<span style="font-size: small;">
# This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment. THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided that You agree: (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code.
# Author: Amit Banerjee
# Purpose: T-SQL script to fetch all the custom roles in a database
DECLARE @ctr int = 1, @maxctr int = 1, @dbname sysname, @rsql nvarchar(4000)

CREATE TABLE #tblCustomRoles (rolename varchar(255))

SELECT identity(int,1,1) as databaseid, name
INTO #dbs
FROM sys.databases
WHERE database_id NOT IN (1,2,3,4)
AND state_desc = 'ONLINE'

SELECT @maxctr = COUNT(*) FROM #dbs
WHILE @ctr <= @maxctr
SELECT @dbname = name FROM #dbs WHERE databaseid = @ctr
SET @rsql = 'SELECT name FROM ' + @dbname +'.sys.database_principals where type_desc = ''DATABASE_ROLE'' and is_fixed_role = 0 and name <> ''public'''
INSERT INTO #tblCustomRoles
EXEC sp_executesql @rsql
SET @ctr += 1

SELECT DISTINCT ', CASE IS_MEMBER ('''+rolename+''') WHEN 1 THEN ''YES'' ELSE ''NO'' END as ' + quotename(rolename) as sqlstring
FROM #tblCustomRoles

DROP TABLE #tblCustomRoles

Now that you have list of custom database roles, you need to create a T-SQL query with the custom database role list and the fixed database role list. This query when executed against each user database will give you the database role matrix that you are looking for.

And this is where an automation scripter’s best friend, Powershell steps in. The script below:

1. Fetches the custom database roles from each database

2. Creates the T-SQL query for fetching the database role members

3. Executes the query against each database except for master, msdb, model and tempdb

4. Appends the output from each database into a CSV file

# This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment. THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided that You agree: (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code.
# Author: Amit Banerjee
# Purpose: Powershell script to fetch role membership for each database user in all databases in a single SQL Server instance
# Usage: .\GetPerms.ps1 -vFileName "<Output file name with fully qualified path>" -vServer "<SQL Server Instance Name>" -vScriptFile "<Location of GetCustomRoles.sql>"

Param ([string] $vFileName, [string] $vServer, [string] $vScriptFile)

# Declaring variables
$VCustomRoles = ""

# Fetch the names of the databases
$vDatabases = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $vServer -Database "master" -Query "select name from sys.databases where database_id not in (1,2,3,4) and state_desc = 'ONLINE'"

# Find non-system database roles
$vRoles = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $vServer -Database "master" -InputFile $vScriptFile

# Construct the SQL query to be executed
$vQuery = "SELECT
db_name() as DatabaseName
, prin.name as DBUserName
, srvprin.name as LoginName
, srvprin.create_date
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_owner') WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_owner]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_accessadmin') WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_accessadmin]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_securityadmin')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_securityadmin]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_ddladmin')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_ddladmin]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_backupoperator')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_backupoperator]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_datareader')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_datareader]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_datawriter')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_datawriter]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_denydatareader')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_denydatareader]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('db_denydatawriter')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [db_denydatawriter]
, CASE IS_MEMBER ('public')  WHEN 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END as [public]

# Foreach loop to identify each custom role in all the databases on the instance
foreach ($vRole in $vRoles)
$vQuery = $vQuery + $vRole.sqlstring + "`n"

# Complete the T-SQL query to be executed
$vQuery = $vQuery + "FROM sys.database_role_members mem
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals prin on mem.member_principal_id = prin.principal_id
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals rol on rol.principal_id = mem.role_principal_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_principals srvprin on srvprin.sid = prin.sid
WHERE prin.is_fixed_role = 0 and srvprin.type in ('U','S')"

# Foreach loop to fetch the role membership of each user and append to a CSV file
foreach ($db in $vDatabases)
"Fetching database role matrix for database: " + $db.name
# NoTypeInformation prevents the #TYPE System.Data.DataRow from being the first row in the CSV file
# Use Invoke-SQLCMD to get the database role matrix for each database and append it to an output CSV file
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $vServer -Database $db.name -Query $vQuery | Export-Csv -Path $vFilename -Append -NoClobber -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction Stop -NoTypeInformation

The CSV output file shows a neat matrix as seen in the screenshot below:


Example command:

.\GetPerms.ps1 -vFilename G:\Perms.CSV -vServer MYSERVER -vScriptFile “G:\GetCustomRoles.sql”

Happy Automation!

Enabling Transactional Replication: A bit of help

Over the past few months, I have discussed the feasibility of enabling transaction replication for customer databases on various occasions. Every time I end up writing queries to answer certain questions about the database… the most common one being if the tables that need to be replicated have primary keys.

So I finally decided to write a T-SQL script which will help me answer the most common questions asked about a database while deciding on the feasibility of enabling transaction replication.

The script doesn’t capture information like workload, performance metrics etc. to decide if the replication workload (snapshot and distribution agent) can be supported on the existing hardware and resources available in the environment.

My take on the matter is that this information is required only once we have figured out if transactional replication can be enabled on the database or not. Eg. If the main tables that need to be replicated do not have primary keys, then the question of resource availability and hardware capability is moot point!

The script below checks the following:

1. Existing of primary keys on the tables in the database. Objects (articles) without primary keys cannot be replicated as part of a transactional replication publication.
2. If the database has transparent database encryption enabled. The subscriber database is not automatically enabled for TDE in such a scenario.
3. Constraints, primary keys, triggers and identify columns which have  NOT FOR REPLICATION bit set and which objects do not. You might choose to replicate or not replicate some of these objects. However, you need to be aware of what you are replicating.
4. Tables having ntext, text and image columns as there are special considerations for handling DMLs on such columns.
5. XML schema collections present in the database. Modifications to the XML Schema collection are not replicated.
6. Tables with sparse column sets as they cannot be replicated.
7. Objects created using WITH ENCRYPTION option. Such objects cannot be replicated either.

As always, in case you think that there are additional checks that could be included in the script, then please leave a comment on my blog and I will add the same into the script.

Continue reading

SQL Feature Discovery Script

As part of my work, I very frequently have to collect information about the various database engine features that are currently being used on a particular SQL Server instance. Sometimes, this requires me to write T-SQL scripts to fetch the required information. I had updated my initial data collection script some time back and this gave me the idea to write up another set of T-SQL queries to fetch the information for the database engine features in use.

The script collects a bunch of information which are categorized under the following headings:

1. General Server Configuration
        Server Info
        Non-default sp_configure settings
        Server Settings
        Active Trace Flags
2. Replication Configuration
        Replication Publishers
        Merge Replication Publishers
        Replication Subscribers
        Replication Distributors
3. Full-text enabled databases
4. Linked Servers
5. SQL Agent information
6. Databases
        Database information
        Database file information
7. Server Triggers
8. Policy Based Management
9. Resource Governor
10. Database Mail
11. Log Shipping
12. Database Mirroring
13. SQL CLR Assemblies
14. sp_OA* procedures


  1. Download the script using the link given at the bottom of the page and save it to a file named SQL_DISCOVERY.SQL. Open the script file in a SSMS Query Window.
  2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F so that the output results are put into a file. Doing this will not produce a message or any other notification.
  3. Execute the script and specify SQL_DISCOVERY.html as the output file name so that we can get the output in the require HTML format.
  4. Once the script is completed, open the HTML file.

Script download: image

If you have any feedback about the script or feel any new additions to the existing data that is being captured, please feel free to leave a comment!

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Hello Analytic Functions

SQL Server 2012 CTP 3, formerly known as SQL Server Code Name “Denali”, introduces a new set of T-SQL functions called Analytic functions. Analytic functions now open up a new vista for business intelligence where in you can calculate moving averages, running totals, percentages or top-N results within a group. I find this very useful while analyzing performance issues while traversing information present in a SQL Server trace file.

I was looking into a performance issue where in an application module executing a series of T-SQL functions was taking a long time to complete it’s operation. When I looked into the total duration of the T-SQL queries executed by the application, I couldn’t account for the total duration that the application was reporting. On tracking some of the statement executions done by the SPID which was being used by the application to execute the queries, I found a difference between the start time of a batch and the completed time of the previous batch. Now I needed to see the complete time difference between two subsequent query completion and start accounted for the difference in duration that I was seeing between the duration reported by the application and sum of duration of all the queries executed by the application. And BINGO… I was finally able to make the co-relation. Till SQL Server 2008 R2, I would have to write a query which involved a self-join to get the comparative analysis that I required:

;WITH cte AS
(SELECT b.name, a.starttime, a.endtime, a.transactionid, a.EventSequence, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY eventsequence) AS RowIDs
FROM trace a
INNER JOIN sys.trace_events b
ON a.eventclass = b.trace_event_id
WHERE spid = 83
AND b.name IN ('RPC:Starting','RPC:Completed','SQL:BatchStarting','SQL:BatchCompleted'))
SELECT TOP 1000 b.name, b.starttime, b.endtime, b.transactionid, DATEDIFF(S,a.endtime,b.starttime) as time_diff_seconds
FROM cte a
ON a.RowIDs = b.RowIDs-1

The output of the above query is shown in the screen shot below:


As you can see that there is a 4-second delay between the endtime of the statement in Row# 783 and the next execution shown in Row# 784. With the help of Analytic functions, I can simply use the LEAD function to get the above result and avoid a self-join.

SELECT  TOP 1000 a.name,b.StartTime,b.EndTime,b.TransactionID,
DATEDIFF(s,(LEAD(b.EndTime,1,0) OVER (ORDER BY EventSequence DESC)),b.StartTime) as TimeDiff
FROM sys.trace_events a
INNER JOIN dbo.trace b
on a.trace_event_id = b.EventClass
and a.name in ('RPC:Starting','RPC:Completed','SQL:BatchStarting','SQL:BatchCompleted')

The output as you can see is the same the previous query:


I had imported the data from the profiler trace into a SQL Server database table using the function: fn_trace_gettable. Let’s see what the query plans look like. For the first query which uses the common table expression and a self-join, the graphical query plan is as follows:


Now let’s see what the query plan looks like with the new LEAD function in action:


As you can see above a new Window Spool operator is the one which performs the analytical operation to calculate the time difference between the subsequent rows using the EventSequence number. As you can see that I have eliminated the need for a self-join with a temporary table or a common table expression and therefore simplifying my query in the process.

In the above example I am using the LEAD function to get value that I am interested in the following row. If you are interested in the values from a preceding row then you can use LAG function.

One gotcha that you need to remember here is that if you don’t take care of the start and end values of the dataset which you are grouping, you could run into the following error due to an overflow or underflow condition.

Msg 535, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.

This is a small example of how analytic functions can help reduce T-SQL complexity when calculating averages, percentiles for grouped data. Happy coding!!

Disclaimer: This information is based on the SQL Server 2012 CTP 3 (Build 11.0.1440), formerly known as SQL Server Code Name “Denali” documentation provided on MSDN which is subject to change in later releases.

T-SQL Tuesday #20 Wrap-up and a few smiles

I had the privilege of hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday which is a recurring blog party, the brainchild of MVP Adam Machanic (blog|twitter). It goes without saying that the posts this time were a wonderful read and it’s very encouraging to see such brilliant engagement from the community. A big “thank you” to all the people who took the time to pen down a post for this month’s topic: “T-SQL Best Practices”. If you are a newcomer to the world of T-SQL or a seasoned pro, the insights shared in these posts are definitely a good read if you work with SQL Server.

Below is a round-up of all the posts from this month (in chronological order of comments appearing on my invitation post):

1. Jason Bacani [Blog | Twitter] writes about why T-SQL formatting is best as well as good practice and makes it easier for the person supporting the code that you have written. I feel motivated on working on the code only if I like looking at it.

2. Rob Farley [Blog | Twitter], a popular SQL Server MVP, talks about why understanding query plans can help in writing better and more efficient T-SQL code. Totally agree with Rob here and from experience I can say that this goes a long way in writing efficient T-SQL code.

3. Dirk Wegener [Blog] talks about why including comments to explain your code logic and reiterates why T-SQL formatting is important in his first T-SQL Tuesday post. Way to go Dirk and we look forward to your participation in the future.

4. Noel McKinney [Blog | Twitter] talks about coding best practices which are quite pertinent in today’s development world. I completely agree that everything shouldn’t be done through T-SQL. Sometimes exploring other avenues may be the right answer!

5. Pinal Dave [Blog | Twitter], a friend and now a colleague at Microsoft, talks about practices that can be avoided in environments generally and not just from a T-SQL perspective.

6. Thomas Rushton [Blog | Twitter] talks about coding best practices, some of which is generally applicable to the world outside T-SQL as well. Absolutely loved the quote at the end of your post!

7. Rich Brown [Blog | Twitter] shows with an example how a developer managed to get into trouble by using an ORDER BY construct for an INSERT statement.

8. Sebastian Meine [Blog | Twitter] shows why an interface layer is required between the application and database. This is quite difficult to achieve due to various reasons (some of it maybe just ignorance sometimes) but if you can pull it off, it really does save a lot of time during a post-deployment crisis scenario.

9. Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy [Blog | Twitter] talks about a list of DOs and DON’Ts while writing T-SQL code.

10. Nick Haslam [Blog | Twitter] talks about how multiple database files can help improve throughput of your DML queries for large data warehouse with the help of some TPC-H test numbers that he shares in the same post.

11. Marcos Freccia [Blog | Twitter] talks about a recent performance problem he resolved by avoiding an implicit convert operation in the query plan with the help of a small change in his T-SQL query. An example of how following best practices can help performance.

12. Matt Velic [Blog | Twitter] talks about best practices to follow while writing T-SQL code from a readability, formatting and code clarity standpoint. Supporting and fixing a code is much faster if it’s easy to read!

13. Robert Matthew Cook [Blog | Twitter] shows how not following simple best practices led to a cascading effect where a stored procedure failed to execute. He goes the extra mile to explain why the issue happened!

14. Erin Stellato [Blog | Twitter] explains why following T-SQL coding standards and adding comments to your code can help save painful hours of searching and brain-wracking during the time of a crisis.

15. Josh Feierman [Blog | Twitter] talks about what can be done in the current scheme of things with the business angle kept in mind. And what he talks about in his post are ground realities and what can be done to counter them to make us efficient in what we do without having sleepless nights while handling a critical issue.

16. Aaron Bertrand [Blog | Twitter], a popular MVP, talks about some of the best practices that should be followed while writing T-SQL code. He provides examples on what kind of issues you could run into when such practices are not followed.

17. Jack Vamvas [Blog | Twitter] gives an example and shows how filtered indexes come to the rescue when T-SQL code which doesn’t follow best practices cannot be tuned due to support and license agreements.

18. Gabriel Villa [Blog | Twitter] talks about T-SQL coding best practices which would help in better management of the code base in the post-deployment phase. This would definitely lead to less consumption of aspirins for the team managing and supporting the code.

19. Nancy Hidy Wilson [Blog | Twitter] talks about adding proper comments to your T-SQL code in a crisp and concise post.

20. Ricardo [Blog | Twitter] re-iterates why comments in the code are necessary but they necessarily don’t need to be short stories. Additionally, he mentions about testing the T-SQL code to ensure that it works in production and not just on the Development box that you are using it write the code on. The post is in Spanish but Bing Translate helped me read the English version of the post and I did have a smile on my face while reading through it.

21. Colleen Morrow [Blog | Twitter] explains with an example why using functions in the predicate of a T-SQL query can be bad karma for your code.

22. Carlos Bossy [Blog | Twitter] explains in his post why T-SQL code made to function in a procedural manner is not probably the best approach.

23. Jes Borland [Blog | Twitter] shares her top three T-SQL best practices and how keeping it simple is the best idea!

Once again, my sincere thanks to all the SQL folks that contributed to this month’s T-SQL Tuesday! And also, my thanks to Adam for letting me host this virtual blog party for this month!

Since a major part of my daily job involves troubleshooting SQL Server performance related issues, I do come across T-SQL code which from a best practices standpoint has a lot to be desired. So, I would say that the next few lines are my 2 cents from what I have seen based on my experience but I ‘m afraid it’s going to turn out to be a $1 worth of rambling!

1. If your company has established coding standards/formats, follow them – This helps keep consistent across the board and the standards and formats were put in place majority of the time with a good intention in mind. If there aren’t any defined, then define a set for yourself and follow them!
2. Use some form of source-control – It could be as simple as adding comments in the procedure code itself. It really saves time and helps blood pressure levels stay normal when trying to find out why a small change in the code was made and when, which is the current cause of the performance bottleneck!
3. Add comments/description to your code – I am yet to come across a production application which has a single person in-charge of the production, support, maintenance and version upgrades. Your code more often than not will be supported and maintained by someone else. Help that person understand why that piece of code is there and what is it supposed to do. What is obvious to you may not be obvious to someone else. So, rather than having a DBA curse you at an unearthly hour, mention (a single line is sufficient most times) why a best practice was not followed.
4. T-SQL is not the answer for everything – There are some things that can probably be done much better through code in some other language like C#. Don’t be afraid to explore such an option. At the end of the day, SQL Server is a database platform and NOT an application server. (*ducks and runs*)
5. It doesn’t hurt to look under the hood – It’s not necessary to know how the query optimizer works or how to read a query plan or even how indexes should be designed for tables for writing T-SQL code. But if you did understand some of this if not a majority of it, you will find that you end up writing much more efficient T-SQL code than you used to when you didn’t know some of under-the-hood workings of the database engine.

Do not misunderstand the above points to mean that I write the best T-SQL code can be written. All I am trying to say is that write T-SQL code which is easy to read, decipher and support! Even then as a Developer you might not become a DBA’s best friend overnight but you would have taken a giant step in getting there and bridging that chasm that exists between the two worlds! Smile

While reading Thomas Rushton’s [Blog | Twitter] submission this month I came across the quote mentioned below. Going forward, this is going to be my punch-line when I talk about best practices. If you are one of those individuals where a visual aid helps, then the above picture should probably aid in following best practices while writing T-SQL code.

Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

*courtesy Jeff Atwood (blog|twitter)

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Disclaimer: I have provided the correct links to your blog, twitter accounts and posts to the best of my knowledge. In case there are discrepancies, please leave a comment and I shall make the necessary corrections. Such an error was purely unintentional!