View query plans with non admin accounts

A question was posted on Twitter’s #sqlhelp hashtag on how to allow non-sysadmin accounts or accounts which do not have the View Server State privilege to fetch the cached query plans. This can be a very big deal if you are a hosting company for databases. You would want to restrict access to all non-admin users but at the same time you might need to give your customers and their developers access to their query plans to assist with their query tuning efforts.

The first thing that comes to mind is to use impersonation in SQL Server. Implementing it is where the fun is!

Let’s consider this hypothetical scenario. I have a SQL Server login named Sentinel which would be granted View Server State privileges only. I have another SQL Server login named Agent which is neither a sysadmin nor a login with View Server State privileges. The Agent login need to look up plans of stored procedures which are executing in the current database.

The first task would be to grant View Server State privileges to Sentinel and impersonate privileges to Agent.

USE [master]



GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sentinel] to [agent];


Next I create a stored procedure which allows the login agent to see the cached plans which are available for the current database context.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_SeePlan]




    EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ‘sentinel’;

    SELECT ‘Executed as user: ‘ + SUSER_NAME()

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan (plan_handle) qp

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (plan_handle) qt

    WHERE qp.dbid = db_id();

    /* Add your diagnostic query here

    The above query is an example */


    SELECT ‘Reverted back to user: ‘ + SUSER_NAME()


Next when I attempt to grant permissions to the login agent to execute the above stored procedure, I will get the error shown below:

Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot find the user ‘agent’, because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

This error is reported because there is no database user mapped to the login agent. So I create a database user for agent and grant execute permissions to the login agent for the stored procedure using the commands below:

GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[usp_SeePlan] TO agent;

Next I will try to execute the stored procedure with the agent login. Everything should work now! But alas.. I get another error as shown below:

Msg 916, Level 14, State 1, Procedure usp_SeePlan, Line 5
The server principal “sentinel” is not able to access the database “Test” under the current security context.

This is because of the fact the login sentinel does not exist in the database Test in which the stored procedure exists. Next I will create a database user mapped to the login sentinel.


Now when I used the stored procedure, everything works!! Screenshot of the output is shown below.

A few other caveats to note is that if the stored procedure is created with the WITH EXECUTE AS option, then on execution of the procedure, you will be reported with the following error:

Msg 297, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_SeePlan, Line 8
The user does not have permission to perform this action.

So the summary is the following sequence:

1. Grant impersonate rights to Agent for Sentinel

2. Create a stored procedure which does the work which requires View Server State privilege using the EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ‘Sentinel’ statement

3. Create two database users in the database which are mapped to Agent and Sentinel

4. Grant execute privileges on the stored procedure which was created in Step #2.

Voila… You are now ready to impersonate and view the query plan!

Awesomesauce: Finding out missing sequences

Another of those #sqlhelp inspired posts. This was around ways to track down missing numbers in a sequence table. This task can be done in multiple ways and as I like to say that there are multiple ways to skin a cat! However, this blog post is about using the new T-SQL enhancements in SQL Server 2012 to figure out missing sequential numbers. I will demonstrate this using an example.

I have a table tblsequences which has two integer columns with the primary key being an int datatype. I did some random inserts into the table. The script below can be used to find out missing sequential numbers in an identity column or an integer column which is supposed to store sequential values.

-- Replace starting value with minimum starting value and increment for your sequence
-- Replace the table name with the table name that you are interested in
declare @startvalue int = 1, @increment int = 1
;with cte as
select a,(a-lag(a,1) OVER (ORDER BY a)) as MissingSequences
from tblsequences
select a, (MissingSequences/@increment)-1 as MissingSequences
from cte
where MissingSequences > @increment
union all
select TOP 1 MIN (a),
CASE (MIN(a)- @startvalue)/@increment
when 0 then null
else (MIN(a)- @startvalue)/@increment
end as MissingSequences
from tblsequences
group by a
order by a

The output is as shown below in the screenshot. You will notice that the first column reports the primary key value and the MissingSequences column reports the number of missing sequential values lesser than the value in the first column. You will need to make the necessary changes to the two scripts shown in this blog post so that the tables you want analyzed are done so.


Next, lets talk about Sequences which is a new feature in SQL Server 2012. I created a new sequence using the a start value of 10 and an increment value of 3.

I used the Sequence which was created for generating OrderID values in two different tables. Now we are posed with an interesting problem. I have two different tables in which I want to compare missing sequence numbers. This can be done with T-SQL code below.

-- Replace schema name, table name(s) and sequence name as appropriate
declare @startvalue int = 1,@interval int = 1, @seqname sysname = 'TestSeq', @schemaname sysname = 'dbo'
select @startvalue = TRY_CAST(TRY_CAST(start_value as varchar(255)) as int),
@interval = TRY_CAST(TRY_CAST(increment as varchar(255)) as int)
from sys.sequences
where name = @seqname and [schema_id] = (select [schema_id] from sys.schemas where name = @schemaname)

if (@startvalue IS NOT NULL and @interval IS NOT NULL)
;with cte as
select OrderID,(OrderID-lag(OrderID,1) over (order by OrderID)) as MissingSequences
(select OrderId as OrderID
from tblTestSeq
union all
select OrderId as OrderID
from tblTestSeq_2) A
select OrderID, (MissingSequences/@interval)-1 as MissingSequences
from cte
where MissingSequences > @interval
union all
select TOP 1 OrderID,
CASE (MIN(OrderID)- @startvalue)/@interval
when 0 then null
else (MIN(OrderID)- @startvalue)/@interval
end as MissingSequences
from tblTestSeq
group by OrderID
order by OrderID


The logic used is the same as the logic when we were looking for missing sequences in identity/integer columns described in the first half of the post. However, since sequences can be used for one or more tables, I have used a UNION query to get all the columns together which use the same sequence object. The second result set of the output in the screenshot below shows the tables involved along with the sequential OrderIDs. As you can see below, there are 4sequence numbers missing  10, 13, 16 and 28. The first result set reports exactly that by notifying that there are 3 sequence ids missing lesser than 19 and 1 sequence number missing lesser than 31.

The output of the above T-SQL script is shown in the screenshot below.


Another way how T-SQL enhancements in SQL Server 2012 can make your life easier.

Happy T-SQL coding and a have a great weekend!

Moving those large files for secondary databases

I remember seeing a question on the #sqlhelp hashtag on how to move the secondary database files to a new physical location. While this might seem a mundane task but can throw up a few surprises. If you don’t want to tear down your log shipping configuration and re-establish it with the files in the new physical location, then this post will definitely interest you.

If you are running your log shipping in standby mode, you will first need to switch to norecovery mode. This is due to the fact that you cannot execute an ALTER DATABASE command on a standby database as it is not writable. You will be presented with a following error if you attempt to do so:

Msg 5004, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
To use ALTER DATABASE, the database must be in a writable state in which a checkpoint can be executed.

So to avoid the above issue, you need to switch to norecovery mode. If you are already running in this mode, then you have one task reduced from your list. Keep in mind that the switch of the operating mode takes effect only after the next log restore operation.

Now here are the exact set of steps that you need to follow:

1. Disable the Log Shipping Restore SQL Agent job.
2. Use ALTER DATABASE command to change the location of the secondary database files
3. Stop the SQL Server instance hosting the secondary database files
4. Move the secondary database files to the new location as updated in Step #1. (OS File Copy)
4. Start the SQL Server instance
5. Enable the Log Shipping Restore SQL Agent job

Verify that the log shipping jobs are running without any errors. The reason you need to stop the SQL Server instance is because an ALTER DATBASE…OFFLINE doesn’t work when the database is in RESTORING state. You will be blocked by the following error if you attempt to set the database offline:

Msg 5052, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state.
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.

Hope the above helps in moving the database files of the secondary databases which are configured for log shipping. The steps mentioned above works for both data and log files.

SQL MEME Monday #2

My first SQL MEME Monday, the brainchild of Thomas LaRock [Blog | Twitter], was to create a post less than or equal to 11 words. So here is my second post on the same theme:

Performance has lots of “It Depends” but it’s all about benchmarking!

Technorati Tags: SQL MEME Monday

SQL MEME Monday <= 11 words

I just came across this post by Thomas LaRock [Blog | Twitter] regarding a blog post on SQL Server which has 11 words or less. So here is my less than 11 words of wisdom:

Document unique solutions so that others can re-use it!


Pinal Dave [Blog | Twitter]

Pradeep Adiga [Blog | Twitter]

Argenis Fernandez [Blog | Twitter]

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