Webcast: Understanding Performance Bottlenecks using Performance Dashboard

I will be delivering a webcast on “Understanding Performance Bottlenecks using Performance Dashboard”. The idea of this is webcast is demonstrate the use of tools offered by Microsoft to analyze performance bottlenecks when the issue is happening. This will be a good folow-up on the recent write-up that I did for SSWUG on tackling SQL Performance issues using tools provided by Microsoft.

Time: 2:30PM IST – 3:45PM IST
Date: 4th May, 2011

Here is the session abstract:

This session will demonstrate how to troubleshoot a SQL Server performance issue using out-of-the-box features without having to collect diagnostic data for post-mortem analysis.

Apart from this session, there are other sessions being delivering as part of this webcast series.

Managing and Optimizing Resources for SQL Server (Date: May 2, 2011 Time: 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm IST)

Optimizing and Tuning Full Text Search for SQL Server (Date: May 3, 2011 Time: 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm IST)

Cool Tools to have for SQL Server DBA (Date: May 5, 2011 Time: 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm IST)

Learn Underappreciated Features of SQL Server to Improve Productivity (Date: May 6, 2011 Time: 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm IST)

If you are interested, here is the registration link for signing up: http://virtualtechdays.com/SQLServer2008R2/


T-SQL Tuesday#17: It’s all about APPLYcation this time

imageIt’s time for another round of T-SQL Tuesday and this round of the revolving blog party is being hosted by Matt Velic [Blog | Twitter].

APPLY – That is the topic for this month’s T-SQL Tuesday! The APPLY operator was added to the T-SQL repertoire and which has resulted in lesser use of cursors for a large number of diagnostic scripts that CSS uses to collect data while working on SQL Performance issues. In this blog, I shall share a few examples of such queries that we use to collect data while working on SQL Performance cases.

TOP Query Plan Statistics

The following query gives you a list of the SQL batches/procedures with their CPU usage, Query/Batch duration and Physical Reads rank. This query helps identify the TOP CPU/Duration/Read consuming queries by making use of system DMVs. The output below is useful for the following reasons:

1. I get the usecount of the procedure/batch and if this batch is called multiple times and the use count of a Compiled Proc cached object is only 1, then the plan is not being re-used. This now tells me that I need to look at reasons behind inability of plan re-use.

2. I get the total and average resource usage statistics for each of the queries listed in the output.

3. A quick glance at the output gives me an idea of the most expensive queries on the instance w.r.t. reads or/and CPU and/or query duration.


LEFT(p.cacheobjtype + ' (' + p.objtype + ')',35) AS cacheobjtype,


p.size_in_bytes/1024  AS size_in_kb,

PlanStats.total_worker_time/1000 AS tot_cpu_ms,

PlanStats.total_elapsed_time/1000 AS tot_duration_ms,







LEFT(CASE WHEN pa.value = 32767 THEN 'ResourceDb' ELSE ISNULL(DB_NAME(CONVERT(sysname,pa.value)),CONVERT(sysname,pa.value)) END,40) AS dbname,


CONVERT(nvarchar(50), CASE WHEN sql.objectid IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(sql.[text],CHAR(13),' '),CHAR(10),' ') END) AS procname,  REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(sql.[text],PlanStats.statement_start_offset/2+1,CASE WHEN PlanStats.statement_end_offset=-1 THEN LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max),sql.[text]))

ELSE PlanStats.statement_end_offset/2 - PlanStats.statement_start_offset/2+1 END),CHAR(13),' '),CHAR(10),' ') AS stmt_text












ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( ORDER BY stat.total_worker_time DESC ) AS CpuRank,

ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( ORDER BY stat.total_physical_reads DESC ) AS PhysicalReadsRank,

ROW_NUMBER()OVER ( ORDER BY stat.total_elapsed_time DESC ) AS DurationRank

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats stat

) AS PlanStats

INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_cached_plans p

ON p.plan_handle =  PlanStats.plan_handle

OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes ( p.plan_handle ) pa

OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text ( p.plan_handle ) AS sql



OR PlanStats.PhysicalReadsRank<50

OR PlanStats.DurationRank<50)



ORDER BY tot_cpu_ms DESC

Top Queries with Similar Query Hash and Query Plan Hash


SELECT TOP 10 query_plan_hash, query_hash,

COUNT (distinct query_plan_hash) as 'distinct query_plan_hash count',

SUM(execution_count) as 'execution_count',

SUM(total_worker_time) as 'total_worker_time',

SUM(total_elapsed_time) as 'total_elapsed_time',

SUM (total_logical_reads) as 'total_logical_reads',

MAX(REPLACE (REPLACE (SUBSTRING (st.[text], qs.statement_start_offset/2 + 1,CASE WHEN qs.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN LEN (CONVERT(nvarchar(max), st.[text])) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset/2 - qs.statement_start_offset/2 + 1 END), CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' '))  AS sample_statement_text,

MIN(CAST(query_plan as varchar(max))) AS 'ShowPlan XML'

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS st

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) as sp

GROUP BY query_plan_hash, query_hash

ORDER BY sum(total_worker_time) ASC;

This is a query which can help you identify queries which have the same query plan hash

SQL Server Books Online topic “Finding and Tuning Similar Queries by Using Query and Query Plan Hashes” has more information on this topic. The query hash feature was added in SQL Server 2008 which made it easier to troubleshooting performance issues caused by ad-hoc queries which differed in just literal values. RML Utilities does a similar task by creating query hash but now if you are troubleshooting on the server, you can do this using DMVs without having to capture a profiler trace.

The right operand supplied to the Apply operator is a function of one or more column values that are present in the left operand. So basically, the right operand is a table-valued expression of which is evaluated once for each row that appears in the left operand. The Cross Apply and Outer Apply are the two flavors of the Apply operator. So if I wanted to simulate an Apply Operation without the Operator itself, it would require the use of temporary tables or table variables.

I use the APPLY operator a lot while parsing XML data like Process Monitor traces or XML query plans which make life a lot easier and saves me from writing a huge bunch of T-SQL code.

SQL MEME Monday <= 11 words

I just came across this post by Thomas LaRock [Blog | Twitter] regarding a blog post on SQL Server which has 11 words or less. So here is my less than 11 words of wisdom:

Document unique solutions so that others can re-use it!


Pinal Dave [Blog | Twitter]

Pradeep Adiga [Blog | Twitter]

Argenis Fernandez [Blog | Twitter]

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Excel via Linked Servers


Recently, I had replied to post on the #sqlhelp Twitter hashtag regarding configuring a Linked Server to an Excel file using the GUI in Management Studio. This is very much possible. I use a linked server to pull data from .xls file on a 64-bit SQL Server instance for an application that I maintain.

Using the 64-bit ACE provider, you can now do this. The data source which is masked in the above picture is the location of the Excel file with the full file path.

Once you have this configured, you can access the Linked Server catalogs by expanding the Linked Server in Object Explorer. Each table listed in the catalog is actually an Excel sheet.

This is fairly simple task but since this isn’t an explicit example out there for this, I thought I would do a quick post on the same.

Addedum: April 4th, 2010. After my colleague, Evan pointed out the server side support policy for ACE.

Disclaimer: The ACE redistributable link does mention the following:

The Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable is not intended:

  • As a replacement for the Jet OLEDB Provider in server-side applications.
  • To be used within a service program or web application that relies on a Windows service.
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The case of the obnoxious locks value

Yesterday I worked with Argenis [Blog | Twitter] regarding an interesting startup failure for a SQL Server standalone instance.

The error in the SQL Errorlog was:

2011-03-30 14:43:18.46 Server      Large Page Extensions enabled.
2011-03-30 14:43:18.46 Server      Large Page Granularity: 2097152
2011-03-30 14:43:18.46 Server      Large Page Allocated: 32MB
2011-03-30 14:43:18.46 Server      Large Page Allocated: 32MB
2011-03-30 14:43:18.55 Server      Large Page Allocated: 32MB
2011-03-30 14:43:18.56 Server      Large Page Allocated: 32MB
2011-03-30 14:43:38.07 Server      Error allocating 16777216 lock owner blocks on startup

After trying the removal of the trace flags that were enabled, we still couldn’t get the SQL instance to startup. The next thing we did was to start the SQL instance from command prompt using the following parameters:

sqlservr.exe –c –m -T3608 -f

The above started the SQL Server instance in minimal configuration mode without any errors. Now the above lock block allocation seemed a bit too large. So we checked the sp_configure output for the configured value of the “locks” configuration option. And voila, we had our answer! The value of “locks” was set to 16777216. We then changed this value to 0 (ZERO) which is the default using sp_configure and restarted SQL instance. This time the SQL instance came online!


If the SQL instance fails to start, try starting the SQL instance using minimal configuration. If SQL comes online, check the configuration settings for any untoward configuration values.


Wiki: SQL Database Engine Startup Failures
