How to check database statistics last updated date/time & Percent Rows modified in SQL Server

Well, here goes my first post – I will keep it simple. As a DBA you’ve probably heard people talking about statistics ALL the time. You probably have jobs/maintenance plans setup to update statistics. But if you ever ran into an issue with slow query performance and wanted to do a quick check on the statistics for ALL indexes in the database, you would use either dbcc show_statistics or sp_autostats. But they work per index/table. Here is a way to do this for the entire database using TSQL query,

— For SQL 2005/SQL 2008

select as 'ObjectID', isnull(,'Heap') as 'IndexName', as 'TableName',
stats_date (id,indid) as stats_last_updated_time
from sys.sysindexes as a
inner join sys.objects as b
on = b.object_id
where b.type = 'U'

Note: Rowmodctr values displayed above are not entirely reliable starting with SQL 2005 onwards. But, you can rely on last updated time to make a decision if the statistics need to be updated.
Read here for more

Many of you might have lot of tables or have large databases where you only want to update statistics using ‘UPDATE STATISTICS’ or ‘sp_updatestats’, but only for those tables that have large row modifications. Here is a script that you can use to get the output of each index that has significant row modifications. You can pipe this to a temp table and choose to update statistics on only these tables. You can do this by looking at the “ModifiedPercent” column.

select as table_schema, as table_name, as index_name, as table_id,
i.indid as index_id,
i.rowmodctr as modifiedRows,
(select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2) as rowcnt,
convert(DECIMAL(18,8), convert(DECIMAL(18,8),i.rowmodctr) / convert(DECIMAL(18,8),(select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2))) as ModifiedPercent,
stats_date(, i.indid ) as lastStatsUpdate
from sysindexes i
inner join sysobjects tbls on =
inner join sysusers schemas on tbls.uid = schemas.uid
inner join information_schema.tables tl
on = tl.table_name
and = tl.table_schema
and tl.table_type='BASE TABLE'
where 0 < i.indid and i.indid < 255
and table_schema <> 'sys'
and i.rowmodctr <> 0
and i.status not in (8388704,8388672)
and (select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes i2 where = and i2.indid < 2) > 0

— For SQL 2000

SELECT 'Index Name' =, 'Table Name' =,
'Statistics Date' = STATS_DATE(, i.indid)
FROM sysobjects o, sysindexes i
where =

You can put this in a cursor for every database if you want to and play around with it. Will post back another script which will help you decide what criteria you want to pick when updating indexes. Stay tuned….

Addition: February 4, 2012: An updated version of the script is available here.

8 thoughts on “How to check database statistics last updated date/time & Percent Rows modified in SQL Server

  1. Pingback: database cursor | DATABASE

  2. Pingback: T-SQL Script for SQL Server Statistics Last Updated Time & Percent Rows modified « The SQL Dude!

  3. Is there a way to find out, how much percentage is complete when stats update on a table generally takes about 20hours for 100% completion?

    For example:
    update statistics . with sample 100 percent

    Let say, after 10 hours, is there a way to find out that 50% is complete ?


  4. Pingback: A year that was « TroubleshootingSQL

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